Philosophy and values
Our corporate philosophy is based on the corporate values Innovation, Quality, Design, Partnership and Sustainability.
We admire people who manage their lives in a positive way despite of special challenges. Due to an accident, a disease or a congenital visual defect some people are forced to reorganize their lives completely. We want to support these people to obtain or regain their independence, mobility and quality of life.That’s why we innovate reading systems for all needs and a variety of individual requirements: at home, for educational and professional purposes or on the Go.
"Fortune is the brave wish to live while accepting the conditions of life."
(Le bonheur c'est la volonté courageuse de vivre en acceptant les conditions de cette vie.)
(Maurice Barrès, Schriftsteller, 1862-1923)

Max Reinecker, CEO
"During exhibitions and presentations I talk with many of our customers. I collect their suggestions and ideas and add them to our R&D process. This lively exchange helps me to see the world from a new perspective.
50 years ago, my father invented something that facilitates lives of people with low vision and their relatives. Reinecker Vision continuously invents new products with unique features that brings back quality of live to our customers. Our core business is to optimize the reading competence of our low vision customers and to offer them individual solutions based on their individual needs. Every day, we create individual solutions for YOU and we live our corporate values: Innovation, Quality, Design, Partnership and Sustainability".

Meike Reinecker, CEO
"Our mission is to be one step ahead. That’s why our product development is especially focused on image quality, individual adjustments and a contemporary design.
Thanks to our long-term employees in the production department in our headquarters in Alsbach-Hähnlein (near Frankfurt/Main), we are able to fulfil your special requests quickly, flexibly and non-bureaucratic. Our in-house Engineers are responsible for the development of our high tech products.
Our successful story proves that we are on the right track. Reinecker Vision has become a global player. Approx. 130 employees work in our headquarters in Alsbach-Hähnlein and in our sales and service offices in Winsen (near Hamburg), Berlin, Cologne, Darmstadt, Gera and Munich."